Posts Tagged ‘Muscle’


Q&A #2

April 30, 2008

Alright, this is where i take searches that people have used to get to our site from google (or other search engines) try and figure out what question they wanted answered, and then answer it.


Q:Can a strained muscle ever be as strong?
A:It depends on how badly strained they were, type 1 strains should heal completely, but it takes a very long time.

Q:How to get into tricking shape?
A:Weight lifting, its the best way really. read and for more in depth info than i can provide.

Q:Without protein shakes?
A:Working out, without protein shakes is quite fine, but it will hinder your progress because your muscles will not heal as quickly.

Q:Tricking conditioning routine?
A:You can find one for beginners here

Q:Do protein shakes help?
A:Yes, they help your muscles recover and rebuild more quickly after you work out, nothing more nothing less.

Q:Will protein shake help with sore muscle?

Q:Do protein shakes help you build more muscle?
A:Yes and no, they help your muscles rebuild after you work out, more quickly. So that you can work out again sooner without being fatigued. They don’t directly add to muscle like Steroids do, but they do help you build muscle in the end.

Q:Grow more fast twitch muscle?
A:Can’t be done, you can make what fast twitch muscle you have stronger, but that’s it.

Q:yakri (some one searched for my name and got this blog)
A:O.O do i have a stalker?

Q:a lot of fast reps for strength?
A:*Darth Vader* NOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO. Seriously, you need a small number of slow reps, with large weights, if you want to build strength.

Q:what type of exercise is well suited for tricking?
A:Weight training. With barbells, not those stupid weight lifting machines, they don’t really work.

Q:tall people have fast twitch muscles?
A:No more than short people do.

Q:a glass of milk before working out?
A:Try after working out, drinking one before working out is the opposite of helpful. however, if you drink organic milk, and its only one glass, and its after a work out, it would be beneficial.

Q:Tricking exercises?
A:Squats are the best exercise for tricking, pull ups are also awesome, and so are bench presses.

Q:Exercises to increase pushup number fast?
A:Do a small number of push ups, like 5 (if your already doing a high number you can start higher((like 25)) and advance more quickly) and then do 2 more push ups the next day, if that’s too easy, do 3 more then next day. Drink a protein shake after every workout, and include ab and leg exercises.

Q:cartwheel tutorial?
A:My cartwheel tutorial kinda sucks actually, I’m going to have to redo that once my wrist is better.



Building Slow Twitch Muscle

April 1, 2008

Alright, this is really irrelevant, but Tricking haze is getting a fair number of hits searching for info about slow twitch muscle.

Slow Twitch muscle is very efficient, it fatigues much more slowly then Fast Twitch muscle. However, as its name suggests, it cannot contract as quickly as Fast Twitch muscle can. As such, Slow Twitch muscle is ideal for swimming long distances or running marathons. And Fast Twitch muscle is ideal for things such as sprinting or tricking.

To build Slow Twitch muscle you simply do a relatively easy exercise a large number of times. Like running a long distance, treading water for a long time, or lifting a light weight with a large number of repetitions. For example, if you can bench press 140lbs 5 times, then bench pressing 50lbs 30 times would be an endurance workout, and thus, build slow twitch muscle.

‘Slow Twitch’ muscle is basically your endurance, it can’t contract as quickly as fast twitch (obviously) but it takes much longer for it too fatigue. So, if you want to build your endurance, then you want to strengthen your slow twitch muscle. Endurance(slow twitch muscle) training in terms of weight lifting and body weight exercises such as push ups, means doing a large number of repetitions per set, over 13 at least. So if you want to increase your endurance by doing push ups then a goods way to do it would be to do 3 sets of 15 push ups.

One last thing to remember, If your out of shape when you start, endurance training may make you stronger, but if your fairly fit to begin with it may decrease your strength.



Building Blocks of Tricking, Parkour, And Martial Arts. Part 1

March 13, 2008

So, i was thinking today, that a lot of people seem to miss some of the basics of Parkour, Tricking, and Martial Arts. They want to progress as fast as possible, without doing any of the hard work.


In Parkour this mostly consists of people either thinking that they can ‘just’ do Parkour, and that they will be fine, or that they can take on much bigger challenges than they are ready for.

1) Unlike tricking, Parkour IS a great form of exercise, but you need to keep your body in top form, which will require a good diet (thats the part most often missed) and gym time. (Not necessarily IN a gym, just working out), for Parkour other activity’s like swimming are really helpful.

2) Parkour is something you REALLY need to take your time on. If you watch a couple parkour videos and then go jump off a roof top, chances are you will break something. Even if you don’t, having succeeded will encourage you to try again. Even if you still don’t get a sprained ankle/wrist or break something this will have a big impact on your body in the not so distant future. Look at David Belle, he has taken things slowly, and he can still do parkour at 34! (his age last time i checked). And he can do some pretty extreme stuff with out it bothering him. Why is it that a jump that would break your legs, or cause permanent damage to your knees, not bother this guy? It is because for many years he has been getting stronger. Lots of new practitioners get weaker over the years, as all the drops that were too big for them catch up to them. Nothing will slow down your progress more than a strained muscle, sprained ankle, or a broken or fractured bone.

In tricking

New trickers don’t usually have a problem with trying tricks that are to difficult, in fact, because tricking isn’t something you ease into quite as much as Parkour, and its a little more sport-like. Most people a afraid of trying new tricks, even if they wouldn’t have a hard time doing them if they tried. the main problem for a lot of trickers is that they either trick too much or neglect their fitness and/or diet.

1) Tricking too much is a bad thing, just like in Parkour, you should spend much more time conditioning for tricking then actually tricking. a lot of people trick constantly, sometimes for hour long sessions, this is a really bad idea. If you keep going for that long you will naturally get tried, this means a much higher chance of injury, like i said in the Parkour section, nothing slows you down like a nice injury that will take a month to heal, or better yet, one that won’t heal at all. Tricking too much without giving your body time to rest and recouporate can, among other things screw up your knees and slow down your progress. this is one of those times were less is more, 6 perfect back tucks are better then 30 sloppy ones. to quote dogen

Practice doesn’t make perfect,
perfect practice makes perfect -Dogen

2) Tricking is an extremely demanding sport, it takes a lot of explosive force to send the human body flying, twisting, flipping, and spinning through the air. So you need to be in proper shape to be able to land more advanced tricks, and even if you can somehow manage to trick with a body and is out of shape and inflexible, you shouldn’t. Doing that will wear down your body a lot, tricking is a really high impact sport, if you don’t pace yourself and give your body (mainly your ankles and knees) both the rest a the training it needs your going to be in bad shape long before your tricking days should have ended. Beyond the obvious reasons for being in good shape, some thing not everybody knows and some forget, is that muscle protects your body from damage from impacts, this means if you have really strong muscles around your knees and ankles they will absorb more of the damage from your lands protecting your joints. So, what i you waiting for? oh you don’t know where to start? Go to or both have a great deal of good info on conditioning for the aspiring trickster.

Martial Arts

Well, i only have experience in one martial art, and thats Aikido, which is more non-aggressive then a lot of other MA’s among other things, we don’t do much to keep up our fitness level other then stretching, since you don’t need to be in good shape to do Aikido. Anyway, one mistake i myself made, not once, but TWICE was over training.

1)Over training. Easy, just don’t over do it(I.e i trained for two classes in a row for three days in a week and suddenly my wrist became sprained during normal activity, over work=pain), unlike with tricking and Parkour, most martial arts don’t have you doing anything REALLY crazy, like jumping off of buildings, or gainer fulls on cement(don’t try this unless your really know what your doing please) however there are some, like Wushu that do get into that a bit. Just remember, if your Martial art requires it remember to condition outside of your martial arts class, stretching is very important among other things.


It gets its own section, cause its just that awesome, that neglected, and that important.

1)Eating right, easy, cut out all that crap like soda, ice cream, diet food(that shit is seriously bad for you, if it says diet, especially diet soda, don’t mess with it, plus, the non diet which is actually healthier tastes better) essentially all that stuff will make you slow, lazy, and to quote juji “NOT HARDCORE!” if you absolutely cannot live without you soda, cheese puffs, etc, Then fine, eat them. But you need to limit yourself, and if you aren’t in very good shape at all (like me, 190lbs 30 of which are differently not muscle, at 6’1) then cut them completely out of your diet.

2) Get enough of what you need. To build muscle, and do stuff like soar through the air with the greatest of ease. You need ENERGY what gives you that? calories! yum. if you don’t eat enough to keep up with your high level of activity you will slow down, and build up tiredness. Also you will find it hard to put on muscle (assuming your already thin) if you don’t get enough calories. Then theres protein and carbs, generally speaking, you will get all the carbs you need in your normal meals so we can forget those mostly, unless your already really hardcore and need to have the diet of god, in that case go to TricksTutorials, or or Dogentricks in fact, if you need any info on eating better, to lose weight or gain muscle, go to all of those sites anyway. back on topic. What you need most to keep your muscles working properly is protein you can get this in one of two ways A) Protein shakes (check out, ON gold standard whey is awesome) or B) Eat a LOT of high protein food, if you opt for this, start reading nutrition labels!


Sleep gets a foot note, I’m not going to explain all the countless reasons why you MUST get 8 hours of sleep daily, but you need it. No excuses! i don’t care if you have to go through living hell to get your 8 hours of sleep, GET IT. your body will thank me, even if your mind doesn’t.


yay more footnotes. Anyway, stretch out every morning after you wake up or whenever you have time, you don’t need to spend 20 minutes on it, just five or so, it helps out a lot, trust me.

Lastly, i heard somewhere that it is best to finish with a quote, though i have chosen one much to long, i don’t care about little things like that.


a) The process of making weaker or less concentrated
b) A dilute or weakened condition.
c) A diluted substance.

I’ve not posted for a while as my mind has been busy and it’s only now that I feel I want to share the outcome of my thoughts. This entry may offend you, it may seem like it’s directed at you and maybe it is.

I can live with being disliked for telling the truth, but I can not continue living with this opinion and not sharing it with the people I think it might help. I know I am not the only one who shares the following opinions and I feel it is worthwhile voicing them if it changes just one person’s mindset and helps them. This is primarily for a friend of mine who I haven’t trained with in a little while. A friend who seems to have become a little down with his training, a little distant, a little worried that he’s not as good as other people. This is for him and all of the other people who feel disheartened watching the people around them do things they cannot… and also for the newcomers to Parkour.

Yesterday was my 1300th day of practicing Parkour. I’m not a big believer in anniversaries but it was on this day that the thoughts of two weeks came together and fused to become solid in my head.

I started training 1301 days ago on September 10, 2003, the day after Jump London aired for the first time on Channel 4 and it’s amazing to think how much has happened and how much my life has changed since then.

I vividly remember the very first training session I had, 185 weeks and 6 days ago. It was with my good friend at the time, Tom, and we were both so excited from watching Jump London and wanted to jump right in and get started! I remember trying some vaults, small jumps through a gap in a moving swing and I remember the first real experience of fear in Parkour as I jumped off the roof of a local gymnastics club and rolled on the grass. It was terrifying at the time and I think it was around 12ft high. I did this because I thought this is what Parkour was, jumping off high things and living to tell the tale the next day. Oh how far we’ve all come since then… or have we?

Now as most people will tell you, the days after your first session are hellish. Who remembers that unspeakable sensation of pain just walking up a flight of stairs in the days following your first real hardcore session? I remember my quads feeling like they had been assaulted by a gang of angry thugs with baseball bats for 2 weeks.

These days there is a wealth of great information available for people starting out in the discipline that I did not have access to in the beginning of my training. It was mostly trial and error, with a large dose of the latter. But despite the benefits that learning from past experiences of veteran traceurs can bring, I can’t help but wonder if there are consequences to this.

I realise how difficult it must have been for David Belle and all of the other original traceurs of Lisses as they plunged forward in darkness over 15 years ago having no idea what they were doing or where it would lead. They slowly carved a path in a new direction and lit it up along the way for people to follow. It took many years for those guys to create the most basic movements and refine them to the extent that almost any obstacle could be overcome using just a handful of varying techniques and it is a truly remarkable accomplishment. An epic journey that a new traceur of today can bypass, almost, as they learn 10 new techniques in 2 months, that would have taken perhaps 5 years worth of training back in Lisses in the early 90’s to achieve.

So at the rate we are developing, progressing and learning, surely we will catch up to them carving in the distance and be able to help them light up the path, right?

No, I don’t think so.

I think we are travelling so quickly along that same path that we are going to run out of fuel before we reach them. They are looking behind them and see us in the distance and I think they are probably hoping we reach them to help the discipline grow, but I don’t think many people of future generations ever will.
To quote Stephane Vigroux, “I think for many people it has to be more personal… everybody’s moving… I’m really happy for them… but too quickly, too fast, too easy, too much show… too much.”

There are guys who have been training for less than a year that are doing bigger and further things than guys who have been training for four years and I believe this is mainly due to the library of knowledge available now. This may sound good in principle, that as the generations go on, we will have new guys able to sidestep the trial and error process and just stick to what has been proven to work, to get to a good level in Parkour. But I’m worried.

I think that the trial and error approach taught the original traceurs of Lisses a vast amount about themselves and injected them with a creativity and passion and courage that is being forgotten today and is being replaced with ‘by the book’ training. Not only do I believe that their mental and physical adeptness is far superior to my own, I believe this will be further diluted as the generations go by and the future traceurs begin their training. People now have lists of movements to learn and tick them off as they do them and quickly move on to something new, something bigger, something more impressive.

The best way to get respected in the Parkour community today seems to be doing the biggest and best things with the minimum amount of training to get there. As long as you do it, it doesn’t matter how sloppy it was, how slow the climb up was, how precise the landing was or how much damage it did to the person. Everybody spreads the word that “X” did “Y” so they must be better than “Z” since they have only been training for “W” months! This approach can quickly escalate and recently I feel it has been destroying the true nature of Parkour. People are doing things to be recognised by other people and it’s tough for the people working hard and progressing steadily to see this going on around them. They feel pressured in to attempting things beyond their level when they see it happening and that’s not their fault.

To me, Parkour is a long and worthwhile campaign – not one short, epic battle.

I’m not only worried about the mental progression and creativity of new practitioners being sacrificed, I’m equally concerned about the physical costs of such textbook progression.

Like myself, some of you may have memories of a granddad who was the only one in the family that could open the pickle jar at dinner time, despite his advanced years. This ‘granddad strength’ I speak of was no miracle – it was the product of 60 years of manual labour and a strength produced from many years of repetitive muscle use.

I’m concerned that the shortcuts available to today’s practitioners might rob them of the irreplaceable muscular development that the Lisses traceurs have, the deep rooted neurological pathways and the vast amount of muscle memory that no book, article or spoken word can give to them. The granddad strength.

We all know you can condition your body from the beginning of your training and this will help your technical ability but I still feel people are moving too quickly and progressing too fast. I regularly see things being done by newer traceurs that guys with years of experience haven’t done and sometimes the more experienced guys feel bad… often they find themselves questioning their training and wondering why they aren’t as good, wondering where they got left behind and wondering why everybody seems to be better than them.

People have come to me, literally depressed about their training and looking for advice and asking where they went wrong, wondering what the newer guys have that they don’t. The answer I’ve given to these people is simple. The new practitioners doing the massive jumps, the impressive techniques, the big, the hard, the long, the far etc. have ignited a fuse that will see them burn out years before they might want to, simply because their bodies are not ready for what they are doing. It’s not just a question of knees, what about the damage being done to the shoulders of new guys doing big drops from branch to branch? What about their elbows?

What will be the long-term effects of this?

What will be the long-term effects of doing 12ft level arm jumps when the shoulders haven’t experienced 10,000 smaller ones?

What will be the long-term effects of dropping 15ft to concrete when the legs haven’t experienced 10,000, 5ft drops?

Time will tell.

Look at the best traceurs in the world. Go to Lisses and see them, talk to them, train with them and learn from them. They are not the best because they are genetically gifted or were crazy to try all the new things when they were younger and they are not the best because they progressed quickly. They are the best and the strongest because the progressed steadily. They built layer upon layer of armour on their bodies over years and years, repeating things thousands of times and not rushing the process. They have deep rooted granddad strength and resilience and resistance to injury that comes from gradual progression.

Various interviews with David have all asked about injuries and David has shaken his head and said his knees are fine, his arms are fine, he has no pain. This is after 18 years of training. By contrast, today we have guys with one year of training behind them taking months out with knee problems, shoulder dislocations, tendonitis… surgery to repair the body before 20 years of age. Is this a coincidence? Or is this because we are pushing too hard, too fast, trying to be the best and compare to others?

Parkour is a personal journey and one that is hard work. There are no shortcuts and there are no quick fixes. If you want ‘to be and to last’ then I suggest you take a long hard look at your training and ask yourself if you are doing this for fun, for a few years until you can settle down and get a job, get married, have kids and retire. If so then do what you want, do the massive jumps, do everything you want to do and don’t look back. Just be aware that you are having an effect on the others who are in this for the long haul and working hard to get strong. Try to bear this in mind when you say “I did this, so why don’t you?” to them.

But if you want to truly discipline your body, become strong and last in Parkour then you must not compare yourself to anybody else. It can be too tempting to get talked in to doing something beyond your level when you see less experienced people doing it. Be the bigger man/woman and realise the damage they are doing to themselves and take pride in knowing you didn’t succumb to peer pressure. In 10 years when they’re walking with a cane, you will be able to do that jump a hundred times without generating a bead of sweat.

I’m not sure how we can help the future generations of traceurs and the future of Parkour. By providing them with our experience we can prepare them but it must not become a substitute for trial and error or we will all become clones of our teachers. There must remain an element of trial and error and an element of exploration. They must also be allowed to progress in their own time without feeling the pressure of people around them. I’m going to make it a personal goal of mine to help the people I see feeling pressured in to doing something they don’t want to, it would be great if some people reading this could take the time to join me.

To summarise the two points in the above article…

1) If you’re new to Parkour, research as much as possible and learn from the people who have walked the path before you, but do not lose your creativity and ability to think for yourself. Try new things, explore different methods and progress at your own pace. What you need to remember is that the people before you have more physical experience that has built what I refer to as ‘granddad strength’ and that cannot be taught or passed on. You can rush the theory but you cannot take shortcuts on the practical stage if you want to last in this discipline.

2) If you are more experienced in Parkour and feel like newer people are better than you, do not feel pressured in to pushing yourself too hard or doing things just because they are. Try to warn them of the dangers of trying things beyond their bodies’ conditioned state – even if they can do something, doesn’t mean they should. They are learning faster than you due to the wealth of information before them, due to your hard work.

If you care for the future of Parkour then it is your duty to help them to progress sensibly and remind them that they should slow down when you think they are going too fast. If we do not do this, Parkour will slowly die as its practitioners become weaker and weaker duplicates of past traceurs due to injury, overtraining and joint destruction.

Are you going to help to dilute Parkour and the new traceurs, Or are you going help to concentrate it and strengthen them?

“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” – William Butler Yeats


probably the most important article anyone can read on the subject of parkour. it opened my eyes…maybe it will open yours

This is what brought me to write this article, and the ones that will follow it.

That was taken from where it was posted by RuKuS. since you can’t just view the forums with out an account for the moment, and before that it was posted, somewhere, probably by blane




A little Q&A

March 8, 2008

I took a look at a list of what people typed in the search engine of their choice to arrive at this site, and i noticed that a few if the things they searched for were either completely unrelated, or they were related but we didn’t have any information on the things they searched. Anyway, what this means is i grabbed a couple things, turned them into an FAQ and I’m going to try and answer them.

1) “how soon after mixing protein shake”

A)i can only assume this means “hows soon should you drink a protein shake after mixing it?”and the answer is…*drum roll*…..within 30 minutes.

2)good tricking workout

A) Apparently someone was looking for a good tricking workout routine, well there isn’t really one, you need to strength your legs and abbs for the most part. But the rest of your body needs training too. Anyway, what a good workout will be varies from person to person, for me, a good workout is 20-30 mins of push ups, leg lifts, squats, a few ankle exercises, a couple other things, and some after workout stretching.

3)muscle memory tutorial

a) Apparently this brought someone to tricking haze, well i could do a muscle memory tutorial, or i could like to this video(its the 6th one down) that taught me just about everything i know on the subject

4) what should you mix with protein shakes

a) Anything you like, i put in granola, banana, various other fruits, its fine to put in just about anything edible, excluding the obvious like soda or ice cream.

5) where do you go to practice tricking?

a) I practice tricking in my back yard, however, whenever you can learn in a gymnasium.

6) who jumps higher tall or short people

a)They both can jump the same height, however taller people can get there center of gravity farther off the ground, the result is if a 5ft tall person and a 6ft tall person jump three feet off the ground the six foot tall person might actually get their body five feet off the ground where as the 5ft tall person would get their body four feet off the ground. That’s it more or less, though I’m no expert on this.



Do not Condition and trick on the same day.

March 5, 2008

Conditioning and tricking on the same day is a really bad idea, because your already tired from conditioning you have a much higher chance of injury, as if that isn’t bad enough, as you know you shouldn’t over work your muscles, because, when you exercise muscle is broken down and then heals stronger then before right? but if you break it down too much it won’t be able to heal up again quickly enough. This causes you to build up fatigue and makes your muscles lose strength rather then gain it.

Throwing one or two tricks after warming up properly on a day when you have conditioned won’t kill you, but it isn’t a good idea, and a good thirty minute tricking session on the same day you work out is a really bad idea.

While I’m on this topic, You should keep your tricking sessions short, but more frequent, if you are say, tricking only once a month, but for two hours at a time, this is a really bad idea. You should keep short sessions, and if things aren’t going well or you start to get tired you should take a break.

The way muscle memory works (if you don’t know what muscle memory is, its what lets you do all those things you have practiced or done many times almost without thinking, Look here for more info) if you do something right it is written down in muscle memory, so that you can do that action again, but next time a little better, but if you do it wrong, that gets written down too, so you get better at doing it wrong, not good.

So, what do you do? train for short amounts of time more often, if you train for a long time all at once you will get tired and start making mistakes which will be burned into your muscle memory right along with the times you did it right. This will slow down your progress a lot, and if you train excessively while tired your bound to get an injury, broken bones, strained muscles, and sprains are no fun, and don’t help you progress any farther in tricking!
