Posts Tagged ‘Water’


Water VS Soda

October 27, 2008

Alright, in one corner, we’ve got water. The basic fluid people have been drinking since the dawn of time, only it’s a lot cleaner these days.

In the other corner, we have Soda. A much more recent contrivnce made up of sugar, water, and chemicals.

Unfortunately for humans in general, Soda has become extremely popular of late, and many people, espically kids. Drink more then one can(12oz) every day.

Now there are a lot of unhealthy side effects atributed to Soda, but I’m going to cover just one of them.

Soda is mostly sugar, as such it has a great deal of calories, which your body cannot absorb, because they come from the sugar additive HFCS. Consiquently, these calories go straight to fat, but how many calories are there? is it really that bad?

Well, we are going to compair Soda a Water.

12 oz of water contain 0 calories and will keep you for a while. Cold water will even burn some calories in your stomach.

12 oz of Soda contains around 180 calories (it varies) in pure sugar, pure fake sugar anyway. It will probably keep you hydrated for as long as water, but I could not find any references to that.

Now heres another thought to consider, To be healthy and stay hydrated all the time, you need to drink about a gallon of water a day, especially if you take part in any kind of sport.

1 Gallon of water has 0 calories, and if it is ice cold when you drink it, it will burn around 150 calories in your stomach. It will also keep you perfectly well hydrated during the course of the day.

1 Gallon of soda has 1800 calories, If it’s ice cold, I doubt it will really help much. Since all of the calories are from fake sugar, your body won’t be able to process them, and will turn them into fat instead. It should keep you hydrated, but you will feel tired due to hte calories you body can’t use and because the carbonation hampers your muscles ability to absorb oxygen.

Also according to this. that in a balanced 2,200 calorie diet 12 teaspoons of added sugar may be consumed, and a can of soda has 9-11. And if you are a short or skinny person, you should probably be eating even less added sugar then that. Or if you are an athlete or health geek like me!

So think about it next time you reach for a Soda, wouldn’t you be better off with a bottle of refreshing water instead?



Why you should be drinking water.

June 5, 2008

Well, the reason you should be drinking water, rather then your favorite drink that isn’t water, is that water is better for you then any other drink.

Water has 0 Calories and in fact burns calories, Any liquid other then water that you drink will contain at least a few calories. Even if your in great shape, as a tricker you need to have as little weight on you as possible, because your going to have to throw whatever weight you have into the air. And, you need to get your calories from foods which contain other things you need a lot of, like protein.

Aside from that, the reason drinking fruit juice, for instance, will quench your thirst, is because it has water in it. So, what has more water in it then actual pure water? when your eating/drinking think of this, food+water=energy. If your body doesn’t have enough of either it won’t be able to produce the maximum amount of energy.

In addition to this there are few drinks other then water that don’t have HFCS in them. As i recently noticed, even frozen fruit juice is totally loaded with the stuff.

So the long and short of it is, when you need to drink something nothing is as effective as water is.

For more detailed information on why you, as a tricker, martial artist, or someone looking to get in shape, should be drinking water and only water, go here.
