Posts Tagged ‘Memory’


A little Q&A

March 8, 2008

I took a look at a list of what people typed in the search engine of their choice to arrive at this site, and i noticed that a few if the things they searched for were either completely unrelated, or they were related but we didn’t have any information on the things they searched. Anyway, what this means is i grabbed a couple things, turned them into an FAQ and I’m going to try and answer them.

1) “how soon after mixing protein shake”

A)i can only assume this means “hows soon should you drink a protein shake after mixing it?”and the answer is…*drum roll*…..within 30 minutes.

2)good tricking workout

A) Apparently someone was looking for a good tricking workout routine, well there isn’t really one, you need to strength your legs and abbs for the most part. But the rest of your body needs training too. Anyway, what a good workout will be varies from person to person, for me, a good workout is 20-30 mins of push ups, leg lifts, squats, a few ankle exercises, a couple other things, and some after workout stretching.

3)muscle memory tutorial

a) Apparently this brought someone to tricking haze, well i could do a muscle memory tutorial, or i could like to this video(its the 6th one down) that taught me just about everything i know on the subject

4) what should you mix with protein shakes

a) Anything you like, i put in granola, banana, various other fruits, its fine to put in just about anything edible, excluding the obvious like soda or ice cream.

5) where do you go to practice tricking?

a) I practice tricking in my back yard, however, whenever you can learn in a gymnasium.

6) who jumps higher tall or short people

a)They both can jump the same height, however taller people can get there center of gravity farther off the ground, the result is if a 5ft tall person and a 6ft tall person jump three feet off the ground the six foot tall person might actually get their body five feet off the ground where as the 5ft tall person would get their body four feet off the ground. That’s it more or less, though I’m no expert on this.



Do not Condition and trick on the same day.

March 5, 2008

Conditioning and tricking on the same day is a really bad idea, because your already tired from conditioning you have a much higher chance of injury, as if that isn’t bad enough, as you know you shouldn’t over work your muscles, because, when you exercise muscle is broken down and then heals stronger then before right? but if you break it down too much it won’t be able to heal up again quickly enough. This causes you to build up fatigue and makes your muscles lose strength rather then gain it.

Throwing one or two tricks after warming up properly on a day when you have conditioned won’t kill you, but it isn’t a good idea, and a good thirty minute tricking session on the same day you work out is a really bad idea.

While I’m on this topic, You should keep your tricking sessions short, but more frequent, if you are say, tricking only once a month, but for two hours at a time, this is a really bad idea. You should keep short sessions, and if things aren’t going well or you start to get tired you should take a break.

The way muscle memory works (if you don’t know what muscle memory is, its what lets you do all those things you have practiced or done many times almost without thinking, Look here for more info) if you do something right it is written down in muscle memory, so that you can do that action again, but next time a little better, but if you do it wrong, that gets written down too, so you get better at doing it wrong, not good.

So, what do you do? train for short amounts of time more often, if you train for a long time all at once you will get tired and start making mistakes which will be burned into your muscle memory right along with the times you did it right. This will slow down your progress a lot, and if you train excessively while tired your bound to get an injury, broken bones, strained muscles, and sprains are no fun, and don’t help you progress any farther in tricking!
