Posts Tagged ‘sparring’


Fighting/Sparring part 1

October 28, 2008

so I’ve been training for the nationals and I just thought I’d drop some sparring tips for those martial artists who’re looking to improve their skillz. (as a note: this is generally for kickers in tournament fights. For you peeps who like to punch, I’ll do a post on that soon)

So first, I’ll discuss your stance. The stance I use is your basic back-stance: feet apart facing forward with one foot behind the other. Your back should be straight and the hands up mid level, with one slightly raised to protect your head (fists can be open or closed depending on your preference). The hands are especially important! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten hit because I let my hands drop. So keep them UP!!

okay, next off: attacks. I’ll start by saying that variety is key. Sure, you can defeat an opponent with the basic kicks: round-house, front, side, and back kicks. But that’s no fun. So I suggest kicking off a fight with the basics, then pumpin’ it up with some spinning stuff, and head shots. Something I’ve noticed is that when people get tired, they have a tendency to use only one attack (it’s generally an ax-kick or roundhouse) throughout their entire match. I’ve seen this happen many times; it’s really pathetic to watch and easy to counter. DON’T DO IT!

Some people have asked me: “How do you get conditioned for a fight?”. Well, here are some ideas. Since you need to be throwing kicks almost continually for about 1 1/2 minutes(give/take), you’ll need endurance. Without it you are dead. Seriously, endurance is one of the key abillities a martial artist needs. You need it in sparring, for forms, and some other things but mainly the first two.

So anyways, here’s a couple of things you can do. Two minute drills (you’ll need someone to time you on this, or have an analog clock handy): It’s pretty basic, you take three exercizes (i use push-ups, sprints, and that kind of stuff) and do each for 10 (I do 20) seconds. You continue this for two minutes, every two min is a set. Do two or three sets. You can also increase the time to three minutes if you feel that my time is too short.

The other drill you can do requires a bag; your average puncing bag will do. You’ll also need a timer. So to start off, you have your timer set for thirty sec. , and proceed to throw any kick you want against the bag. You then increase the time to 40 or 45 sec. Then to 50, then one minute. After each round you’ll want to rest for an equal amount of time. After your last round you’ll probably be winded and/or sore so take a rest. This does several things for you 1) you can work on your kick cambinations, 2) it helps your wind 3) It’s a realy good workout.



Just an opinion.

March 22, 2008

Many do not realize that the things they see on TV, on the internet, and in movies are not adequate representations, for they only portray the world as accidental and caricaturized. Martial Arts should not be portrayed as glamorous violence and amazing stunts, as those who study them will attest. Upon hearing that I am a Martial Artist, many ask to see flips and stunts, ignoring me when I try to communicate its less flashy but more substantial aspects, such as mental discipline, self-defense, and practice sparring.

Mental discipline is, I think, the most important skill to possess, for it can be of benefit to ones life inside and outside the studio. A disciplined mind will help in one’s job, at school, and in certain situations with friends. Inside the studio, discipline is a key factor for keeping focused on training, and overcoming physical limitations.

Self-defense is a phrase with a few meanings. To most people it means defending oneself physically or verbally against foes. Martial artists however use it more precisely to mean a combination of defensive postures usually leading to the opponent or attacker lying incapacitated on the ground. These self-defense postures are calculated strikes on pressure points all over the body, such as hitting points on the head, neck, arms, torso and, very rarely, on the leg.

Sparring is the most challenging and difficult part of the Martial Arts. It requires the ability to see an opening in your opponent’s defenses and to throw a kick with enough control, power, and speed to exploit the opening before it closes. Additionally, not many people understand the incredible amount of endurance needed to continuously throw kicks, and block the attacks of ones’ opponent for three minutes straight. Virtually continuous training is required for days to be ready to fight in national tournaments and local competitions.

Although we should not criticize the media for their virtually exclusive use of exciting and visually stimulating images that sell, we should however judge them for pretending to be a giver of truth and reality, which they are not. There should, therefore, be attempts to rectify this situation and return the arts to their proper place in the minds of the people.
