Archive for May, 2008


Epic fail at making Loopkicks dvd vlog review

May 25, 2008

So i tried to make a short video review of the loopkicks dvd, and i did ok, only one problem, not one of my three video editors can combine the multiple clips i used into one single clip.
Adobe After Effects: No sound, and keeps crashing.
Sony Vagas: Also no sound
Windows movie maker: can’t even read the file type.

And i can’t do it all in one recording and upload it without editing because my video camera doesn’t have a memory card yet, so it can record an awesome 1min 47sec of low quality video.

So I’m going to get it done after my video card gets here, which should be within the next week.


Theres more to life then what you see at first glance.

May 23, 2008

Well, today at 11:00 PM, thirty minutes ago, i was walking across my carport to the separate room where i have my computer set up after getting myself a snack, and i happened to look upwards and down my drive way, and i saw the stars. On an impulse i decided i wanted a better look at the stars. So, with burger in hand, i walked to the end of my drive way and sat down cross legged, leaned back, and took a moment to enjoy life. I sat out there for a good thirty minutes, hey, the stars are beautiful, have you taken a look lately? At the time I thinking something like “nothing beats sitting at the end of a driveway in the middle of the night eating a veggie burger!” It was quite fun, and it made me think that maybe theres more to life then you think, and maybe you just don’t take the time to look and find it.



I finally did my first backflip!

May 15, 2008

It was an exilerating experience, and I’m happy to say that I’m no longer fearful or hesitant about flipping. After i did it, I suddenly realized that it was way easier and more fun than I had told myself it would be. With this in mind I’ll be working on backhandsprings next. I’ll be sure to keep you all informed on my progress!



My new hobbie

May 3, 2008

That’s the best one I have made so far.

I also did this
and this

i got inspired to learn some VFX because of ViktorColling’s video here
With the idea of adding some effects to my future tricking videos.
