Archive for April, 2008


Q&A #2

April 30, 2008

Alright, this is where i take searches that people have used to get to our site from google (or other search engines) try and figure out what question they wanted answered, and then answer it.


Q:Can a strained muscle ever be as strong?
A:It depends on how badly strained they were, type 1 strains should heal completely, but it takes a very long time.

Q:How to get into tricking shape?
A:Weight lifting, its the best way really. read and for more in depth info than i can provide.

Q:Without protein shakes?
A:Working out, without protein shakes is quite fine, but it will hinder your progress because your muscles will not heal as quickly.

Q:Tricking conditioning routine?
A:You can find one for beginners here

Q:Do protein shakes help?
A:Yes, they help your muscles recover and rebuild more quickly after you work out, nothing more nothing less.

Q:Will protein shake help with sore muscle?

Q:Do protein shakes help you build more muscle?
A:Yes and no, they help your muscles rebuild after you work out, more quickly. So that you can work out again sooner without being fatigued. They don’t directly add to muscle like Steroids do, but they do help you build muscle in the end.

Q:Grow more fast twitch muscle?
A:Can’t be done, you can make what fast twitch muscle you have stronger, but that’s it.

Q:yakri (some one searched for my name and got this blog)
A:O.O do i have a stalker?

Q:a lot of fast reps for strength?
A:*Darth Vader* NOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO. Seriously, you need a small number of slow reps, with large weights, if you want to build strength.

Q:what type of exercise is well suited for tricking?
A:Weight training. With barbells, not those stupid weight lifting machines, they don’t really work.

Q:tall people have fast twitch muscles?
A:No more than short people do.

Q:a glass of milk before working out?
A:Try after working out, drinking one before working out is the opposite of helpful. however, if you drink organic milk, and its only one glass, and its after a work out, it would be beneficial.

Q:Tricking exercises?
A:Squats are the best exercise for tricking, pull ups are also awesome, and so are bench presses.

Q:Exercises to increase pushup number fast?
A:Do a small number of push ups, like 5 (if your already doing a high number you can start higher((like 25)) and advance more quickly) and then do 2 more push ups the next day, if that’s too easy, do 3 more then next day. Drink a protein shake after every workout, and include ab and leg exercises.

Q:cartwheel tutorial?
A:My cartwheel tutorial kinda sucks actually, I’m going to have to redo that once my wrist is better.



Loop kicks video

April 28, 2008

Well i was watching this

Loop kicks video today, and i started a typical train of thought “i wish i could be that good!” HOLD IT. exactly, i CAN, theres nothing stopping me is there? now i know what your thinking. (No i don’t actually) “Ha! those guys have been doing martial arts since they were like 9 years old or something! And they have been doing tricking for almost as long, its impossible.” Well if they have been training for so long, and your so far behind, then I GUESS YOU BETTER GET TRAINING THEN HUH?

Really though, not all the good trickers started training at 9 years old.

Name: Guillermo ”KJER”

Age: 24

Started Martial Arts: 15

Started Tricking: 19

this taken from

Alright, so i only have one example, but anyway, back on topic before i completely derail my own post.

I realized that I’m only 16, and I’ve never suffered any serious injury’s nor do i have any psychical ailments that could prevent me from tricking or weight lifting. There is no reason to believe that, with determination and hard training, and just a little luck, i can’t become just as good as them. In tricking, you yourself are your nemesis, eternally attempting to thwart your efforts to better yourself, and at the same, presenting and unreachable challenge. But it doesn’t matter that you can’t ever beat yourself for good, since all the fun is in trying.

My point is, for most of us trickers, we are the only thing holding ourselves back, there is nothing else stopping us.

Since i read somewhere its best to end with a quote, all through this out there.

“Do or do not… there is no try.” – some sock puppet.


Tricking as an Exercise!??

April 26, 2008

i was looking at the site stats, and someone searched us with this
“TRICKING AS A EXERCISE?” I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume that they were wondering if they could use tricking as a form of exercise, either to get, or stay fit, or to lose weight.

The short answer is


The long answer is that, although tricking is a great workout, using tricking as a workout isn’t such a great idea. Tricking is very psychically demanding and will have you sweating right through your shirt in now time if you really go at it. However, mostly tricking breaks down your body, because its very high impact it will cause damage to your joints, and has a high chance of causing other injuries like sprains, strains(there more serious then they sound), and even broken bones. Also, having your knees give out before you hit 40 because you “exercised” five days a week with tricking.

Since we can assume you don’t want to permanently impair your ability to walk, and we all we all like our knees and would rather not replace them with metal or plastic replicas, but we also all love tricking, so what are we going to do?


So, what protects your knees, and most of the rest of your body?

Muscle. If you build more muscle, it will protect your body from impacts and various other kinds of damage.

And when do sprains and strains happen?

When muscles are stretched too far. Of course, if your muscles are used to stretching far, and can stretch farther then the average persons, then this is less likely to happen right?

So what do you need to do?


Work out and stretch.

You should do about three times as much conditioning (which includes both diet, working out, and stretching) as you do tricking. the reasons are as stated below.

1)You will progress much, much more quickly when you do do a tricking session.

2)You will minimize the damage to your body that is generally caused by tricking, both by being stronger, allowing your body to better resist the impact of throwing 100lbs+ of human through the air and crashing to the ground again. and by giving your body more time to heal up after you beat it up. 😛

3)You will get far, far more fit by actually working out, lifting weights, or by body weight training, than you ever could by just tricking.

4)You will look sexy if you condition.

5)You will greatly reduce the chance of getting injured while you are tricking. if you only do tricking as an exercise, your chance of injury will probably increase over time.

The same may not be entirely true of other sport like activity’s, such as tumbling/gymnastics, or soccer and such, and is certainly not true of martial arts, but what ever psychical activity it is you like to participate in, it will definitely benefit from conditioning.

So in short, you can’t get your exercise from tricking, but if you like tricking, you sure as hell need your exercise, so get moving!

Also see dogen’s video on conditioning here
And this recently sticky’d article on about beginners weight lifting for tricking.


A common mistake with workout routines.

April 25, 2008

I see a lot of people ask about their workout routines (you know, is this good? is this bad? etc) mainly though, they ask “Am i doing too much? or too little?”. The problem is, they are asking the wrong person. When you want to know whether you need to do less or more, you need to ask yourself. “Is this too easy? or maybe its a little too hard?”. if you go online and ask someone these questions, most of the time they will not be able to answer you, and even if they can, it won’t be completely accurate. After all, they can’t tell how you feel the day after a workout, but YOU of course, can. If you are so sore things like walking or bending over hurt the day after your workout, you may be overdoing it a bit. if you don’t feel the burn in the slightest the day after, or better yet, don’t even work up a sweat, you may need to add a few pounds to those weights.

Seriously, just use a little experimentation and common sense to judge whether you need to do less or more. i aim for feeling a mild burn the day after, not enough to stop me from working out again, or participating in martial arts, or other psychical activity’s but enough to let me know i got somewhere with my training.

Another thing you should remember, is not to make your routine overly complex. You don’t need 8-10 different exercises to work out your whole body. Squats, bench presses, and pull-ups alone will hit every muscle in your body. Add in some calf and shin raises and maybe some wrist training and your set. If, for whatever reason, you think you need to use a large number of exercises, don’t do them all in one day, work your upper body one day, your lower body the next, etc.



TrickingHaze Lives!

April 25, 2008

Like…Whoa, its like the reanimator all over again!

Crazy huh?

Well, turns out I’m not dead after all, though i was very busy, and manage to strain a muscle in my left leg(minor) and sprain my wrist(T_T) in the same week. Well anyway, i have once again decided to take chunks out of my day, where i should otherwise be doing boring and repetitive tasks to post at tricking haze again, I’ll go and inject the other authors as well, and attempt to get them to post again, once they stop drooling and trying to eat my brains.
