Posts Tagged ‘advil’


some stuff

January 8, 2010

Hmmm. so I’m realizing that we havent done much with this blog for a while. so I’ma just drop somethin for everybody just to keep it current. 🙂  So first off, its a new year, happy 2010, and I’m sure everyone’s made some sort of resolution that has to do with health. whether it’s exercizing more, or eating healthy. but lets face it, how many people actually follow through on their resolutions? So i’m just gonna say: don’t “resolve” to do whatever it is you want to do. Just do it!

That being said, here’s something you should NOT under any circustances do! And that is exercize your core for several hours, and then stuff yourself with Mcdonalds. Trust me, bad idea! Not only am i so sore i can hardly sit up straight, but now i have a wonderful stomach ache to go with.

So i hope i’ve given you a reason to shun the evils of fastfood (lolz jk). Anywaz it’s late,  I have school in 8 hours,  and ima take some advil and crash. So this is me wishing you a stomach ache free 2010.  Peace.
